ECON 1011
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - September 1, 2022 7:41AM EDT
- Course Catalog - August 9, 2022 8:17AM EDT
ECON 1011
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.
This course is designed to prepare students for ECON 1110 and ECON 1120. Students are introduced to the economic way of thinking and to analyzing social problems. The objective of the course is to introduce students to the core principles in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The goal of the course is to improve the level of critical thinking and to improve communication skills. Topics include the explanation and evaluation of how the price system operates in determining what goods are produced, how goods are produced, who receives income, unemployment, inflation, balance of payments, and government deficits.
When Offered Summer.
Comments Credit will appear on transcript, but does not count toward graduation. Counts toward semester's good standing for students in Colleges of Architecture, Art, and Planning, Engineering, Hotel Administration, and Human Ecology. Does NOT count toward semester's good standing for students in Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Arts and Sciences, and Industrial and Labor Relations.
Six Week Summer.
Credits and Grading Basis
2 Credits Sat/Unsat(Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MTWRF Goldwin Smith Hall G24
- Jun 21 - Jul 29, 2022
Alexander, A
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
This Summer Session class is offered by the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions. For details visit
Department Consent Required (Add)