ANTHR 4530
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - December 9, 2024 7:39PM EST
- Course Catalog - July 23, 2024 8:36AM EDT
ANTHR 4530
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.
Global Mental Health is a growing and important field. Anthropology has a long history of contributing to debates in cross-cultural psychiatry and psychotherapy, as well as to the perennial questions of "nature versus nurture" in defining "normal" versus "pathological" ways of being human. We examine the efficacy of traditional and community-based mental health practices in a non-Western indigenous context as well as the challenges to accessible care posed by inequality and poverty, as well as the stigmas surrounding mental illness in varied cultural contexts. In addition to exploring traditional healing traditions, we will study the efficacy of new community-based forms of biomedical care, as they relate to both debates on changing health care practices and aspirational needs (e.g., bio-medicalization vs. alternative "traditional" medicine; the need for better healthcare delivery systems, etc.) and ideas of the person, wellbeing, and the ethical life that exist within Nilgiris societies.
When Offered Summer.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: a previous course in a social science, or permission of instructor required.
Breadth Requirement (GB)
Distribution Category (SBA-AS, SCD-AS, SSC-AS)
Course Attribute (CU-CEL, CU-ITL, CU-SBY)
Summer Special Session 2.
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Graded(Letter grades only)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MTWRF Kotagiri, India
- Jul 1 - Aug 5, 2024
Willford, A
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
This Summer Session class is offered by the School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions. For details visit:
Department Consent Required (Add)