TOX 7130
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - January 1, 2025 7:35PM EST
- Course Catalog - January 1, 2025 7:07PM EST
TOX 7130
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.
Presents a brief historical review of the cell cycle; a summary of cell cycle regulatory processes; and practical methods for cell cycle analysis, including mathematical representations. Topics include: growth control of bacterial cell cycle including chemostats, mammalian cell tissue culture, cell synchronization, flow cytometry, age-density representation, G1 regulation, labile regulatory protein models, cell transformation, regulation by growth factors and the cytoskeleton, cyclin/E2F/RB regulatory model, practical examples for analysis of cell cycle phase durations, cell cycle phase specific growth factor sensitivity, timing of RB protein phosphorylation within the cell cycle. The objective of the course is to present graduate students with methods for cell cycle analyses that will be used in their research.
When Offered Spring.
Comments Offered in even-numbered years only.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: VTBMS 7130
Credits and Grading Basis
1 Credit Sat/Unsat(Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
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