LAW 6013

LAW 6013

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

Many of our most important and most difficult lawsuits are business-to-business cases. Many involve high-stakes litigation; some are enterprise threatening. All present challenges to the trial lawyers, often novel challenges. This course will cover the prosecution and defense of business lawsuits, from pre-filing though trial, identifying what these lawsuits have in common with other civil suits and exploring the important and often outcome-determining differences. These cases are won or lost in discovery; many on motions to dismiss and summary judgment. Some are tried to the court; some are tried to juries. They are found on the dockets of every state and federal court. Students will be evaluated on their preparation and participation (as associate lawyers working on a case) during the course. They will be asked to select a segment of a case and present a paper for the handling and presentation of that segment of the case (e.g., Motions to Dismiss; Motions for Summary Judgment; Discovery; Trial), which will be reviewed and evaluated.

When Offered Fall, Spring.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2 Credits Graded

  • 18088 LAW 6013   LEC 001

    • MWF
    • Jan 21 - Feb 17, 2025
    • Heiden, T

  • Instruction Mode: In Person