GERST 3825

GERST 3825

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

This course will explore Holocaust survivor testimonies, from the multilayered history of their recording across the globe and their increasing institutionalization after the 1980s to their current uses and future promises, including digital methods. How can we approach, use, and make sense of what amounts to 20 years of uninterrupted listening? This seminar will offer a hands-on, interdisciplinary approach to these largely untapped archives around the world, probing them through the lens of history, film and media studies, trauma studies, cultural studies, and memory studies. Throughout the semester, students will each pick one video testimony to work on individually. Collectively, the course will develop tools to make these video testimonies not only a lasting memorial, but a proper object of study at the global level. Taken together, we will offer a tentative answer to an urgent question: what is the future of Holocaust and atrocity testimony, now that the last generation of survivors is passing away?

When Offered Spring.

Distribution Category (ALC-AS, HST-AS) (CA-AG, HA-AG, LA-AG)
Course Attribute (CU-ITL)

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: JWST 3825SHUM 3825

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 20964 GERST 3825   SEM 101

    • MW
    • Jan 21 - May 6, 2025
    • Burzlaff, J

  • Instruction Mode: In Person