ECON 7661
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - March 24, 2025 7:24PM EDT
- Course Catalog - March 24, 2025 7:07PM EDT
ECON 7661
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.
This course is an extension of AEM 7620/ECON 7660 and will cover current microeconomic issues of developing countries including but not limited to factors influencing human capital accumulation (e.g. health, education), contracting and firm structure, credit and saving, and behavioral economics and development. Most lectures will begin with applied theory and then discuss leading papers on that topic. The course is also designed with a focus on empirical methods and testing theories with data. Finally, the course contains classes on how to prepare for field work in order to provide a foundation for many of the practical skills needed to move a project forward.
When Offered Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: AEM 7620/ECON 7660 and graduate level econometrics.
- Develop technical skills on econometric approaches to identify causal relationships.
- Design field or lab-in-the-field experiments and relate empirical design to economic theory.
- Produce research and assess how a paper contributes to the literature and what makes it valuable.
- Identify opportunities for natural experiments.
- Write a referee report and give a short presentation and engage in discussion about it.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: AEM 7621
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)