STS 3601

STS 3601

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.

This course surveys a range of ethical issues that arise in professional engineering, and provides discussion-based practice in analyzing and addressing them. Using normative frameworks from professional codes, philosophical ethics, value-sensitive design, feminist theory, and science & technology studies, the course engages with a series of historical, current, and fictional case studies. Specific topics to be discussed may include: privacy, consumer rights, smart cities, geoengineering, artificial intelligence, and cloning. Instruction is through a mix of lectures and discussions. Evaluation is by weekly quizzes, regular written assignments leading to a research paper, and a final exam; there will be no formal prelims.

When Offered Spring.

Permission Note Enrollment open to: sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: complete First-Year Writing Seminar (FWS).

Distribution Category (ETM-AS, KCM-AS, SSC-AS)

  • Be familiar with and able to identify a range of ethical and social issues in professional and academic engineering practice.
  • Understand some of the major normative theories in philosophy, science and technology studies, feminist theory, and other approaches.
  • Be able to apply normative theories to specific cases in engineering, from a variety of different stakeholder perspectives, including the perspectives of historically marginalized social groups.
  • Be able to analyze, evaluate, and produce normative arguments using evidence and techniques of philosophical argument.
  • Have improved their research skills and written communication skills, particularly in argumentative writing.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGRG 3600PHIL 2471

  • 3 Credits Opt NoAud

  •  7614 STS 3601   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    Enrollment open to: (EN) sophomores, juniors, and seniors.