SOC 6950

SOC 6950

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.

"Spatial Demography" introduces core concepts and techniques for analyzing spatially referenced population data. Students learn about the spatial structure of social phenomenon and how to analyze and account for spatial relationships in formal analyses. We draw from examples in housing, health, and education to evaluate how populations are spatially distributed. The course covers methods for addressing spatial dependence and heterogeneity, as well as tools for describing spatial relationships (including various indices of segregation). A substantial portion of the course is also dedicated to practical skills for managing and presenting spatial data using GIS software, including geographic projections, geoprocessing, geocoding addresses, spatially joining layered data, and distance buffering.

When Offered Spring.

Permission Note Enrollment limited to: graduate students or permission of instructor.

  • Think critically about spatial constructs in answering demographic questions.
  • Create thematic maps with mapping software.
  • Interpret and analyze maps, spatial data, and spatial methods critically.
  • Identify the use of various spatial analytic methods in social science research.
  • Calculate, and identify strengths and weaknesses, of common segregation indices.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: PUBPOL 6950

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 19937 SOC 6950   LAB 401

  • Instruction Mode: In Person