PSYCH 2620
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - May 19, 2024 7:32PM EDT
- Course Catalog - May 19, 2024 7:07PM EDT
PSYCH 2620
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.
Why and how do humans become moral beings? And what is a moral being anyways? Humans have written about these questions for as long as they have written about any deep question. Over the past century, however, empirical scientists have joined the investigation into moral development. This course will use empirical evidence to evaluate major theories of morality and its development. In the process, we will learn about topics like: cultural differences and similarities in moral orientations, the origins of helping and harming, and the development of moral reasoning and emotions childhood to adulthood.
When Offered Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: HD 1150 or HD 1170 or HD 1130 or PSYCH 1101.
Distribution Category (KCM-HE)
- Understand major theories of moral development.
- Know key studies and findings about moral development, and how these support or challenge theoretical positions.
- Learn to succinctly summarize and reflect on empirical and theoretical articles on morality and moral development.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: HD 2620
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MW Warren Hall 175
- Jan 22 - May 7, 2024
Dahl, A
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Instructor Consent Required (Add)
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