NBA 5090
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - May 19, 2024 7:32PM EDT
- Course Catalog - May 19, 2024 7:07PM EDT
NBA 5090
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.
This course builds on the material of NBA 5060 and focuses on more advanced financial statement topics and specialized industries. Topics may include investment research, accounting analysis, accounting quality, credit analysis, and advanced valuation issues. Instruction focuses on a combination of lecture and case-based discussion. Students are expected to have taken NBA 5060 or possess a good understanding of basic financial statement analysis. The material is designed to broaden student's understanding of financial statement analysis and complement the tools developed in NBA 5060. The course deliverables include case write-ups, an equity research project, and a final exam.
When Offered Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: NBA 5060, finance immersion course, or permission of instructor.
Seven Week - Second. Combined with: LAW 5090
Credits and Grading Basis
1.5 Credits GradeNoAud(Letter grades only (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MW Breazzano Family Ctr 223
- Mar 14 - May 7, 2024
Lu, Y
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Enrollment limited to: MBA, Johnson MPS, Graduate students, Undergraduate Senior and Juniors Only. Prerequisite: NCC 5000, NCC 5060 and NBA 5060 or NCC 5500, NCC 5560 and NBA 5060 Add/Drop Dates: March 13th - March 20th. Deadline to drop March 20th at 11:59pm. Permission from faculty required to add/drop after March 20th. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged after March 20th. Deadline to drop without “W” April 10th After this date, "W" grade on your transcript in addition to the late fees. This course counts as a Management Science Elective.
Instructor Consent Required (Add)
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