GERST 2040
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - May 19, 2024 7:32PM EDT
- Course Catalog - May 19, 2024 7:07PM EDT
GERST 2040
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.
This course aims at sharpening your awareness of personal and cultural subjectivity by examining texts in a variety of media against the backdrop of cultural, political, and historical contexts. We will focus on improving your oral and written expression of idiomatic German by giving attention to more sophisticated aspects of using enriched vocabulary in a variety of conversational contexts and written genres. Materials will include readings in contemporary prose, newscasts, research at the Johnson Art Museum, and interviews with native speakers on a topic of contemporary cultural relevance.
When Offered Fall, Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: GERST 2000 or placement by examination (placement score and CASE).
Distribution Category (ALC-AS, CA-AS)
Language Requirement Satisfies Option 1.
Comments Taught in German. Students must take one of the following courses as a prerequisite for Study Abroad in a German-speaking country: GERST 2020, GERST 2040, or GERST 2060.
Regular Academic Session.
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MWF Uris Hall G44
- Jan 22 - May 7, 2024
Strateman, C
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Prerequisite: GERST 2000 or placement by German placement test or CASE. Taught in German. Satisfies Option 1. Students must take one of the following courses as a prerequisite for Study Abroad in a German-speaking country: GERST 2020, 2040, or 2060.
Disabled for this roster.