PLSCS 5200

PLSCS 5200

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2022-2023.

This course introduces the fundamental principles and concepts necessary to carry out meaningful and appropriate geospatial applications using geographic information science (GIS), with a particular emphasis on characterizing, assessing, and understanding agronomic and environmental systems. The course covers key issues in GIS such as geographic coordinate systems, map projections, spatial analysis, use of remotely sensed data, visualization of spatial data, spatial statistics, and spatial modeling. Laboratory exercises include database query, database acquisition, spatial analysis and visualization to address issues in hydrology, ecology, agriculture, and sustainability. Students will gain proficiency with the leading open-source GIS platform, QGIS, and familiarity with commercial GIS software such as ArcGIS Pro.

When Offered Spring.

  • Explain the basic principles and functions of GIS (including coordinate systems, projections and datums, spatial data models and their appropriate application environment.
  • Generate effective maps for visualization and communication with end users for decision-making.
  • Acquire geospatial datasets from various sources.
  • Perform geospatial data analysis in QGIS.
  • Apply geostatistical methods for pattern analysis and spatial interpolation.
  • Perform land cover classification using built-in machine learning algorithms in QGIS and analyze temporal changes.
  • Design, perform, and present a collaborative group project using geospatial skills acquired in the course.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory. Combined with: PLSCS 4200

  • 3 Credits Graded

  •  2436 PLSCS 5200   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  2437 PLSCS 5200   LAB 401

  • Instruction Mode: In Person