PAM 3910
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 7, 2023 8:54PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 7, 2023 7:14PM EDT
PAM 3910
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2022-2023.
The purpose of this one-credit course is to provide a behind-the-scenes examination of the U.S. federal policy making process with examples primarily relating to labor policy. We will begin with a discussion of the statutory framework that shapes this process and defines the roles of the many entities involved. Understanding how policy is developed in law and regulation will be a major emphasis of the course. Policy implementation, administration, and oversight will also be addressed. We will focus on a variety of related topics, including the President's Budget, congressional appropriations, inter-agency collaboration, and the effect of good government initiatives on substantive policy making. Efforts to respond to the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis will also be discussed.
When Offered Spring.
Forbidden Overlaps Forbidden Overlap: due to an overlap in content, students will not receive credit for both PAM 3910 and PAM 4900.
- Describe how policy is formulated in executive agencies.
- Advance policy objectives through the budget and the appropriations process.
- Explain how policy development by executive agencies is influenced by congressional involvement.
- Engage the public in policy making.
Seven Week - Second. Combined with: LAW 6070
Credits and Grading Basis
1 Credit S/U NoAud(Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- F Savage Hall 100
- Mar 17, 2023
Simonetta, S
- S Savage Hall 100
- Mar 18, 2023
Simonetta, S
- F Savage Hall 100
- Apr 14, 2023
Simonetta, S
- S Savage Hall 100
- Apr 15, 2023
Simonetta, S
- F Savage Hall 100
- Apr 28, 2023
Simonetta, S
- S Savage Hall 100
- Apr 29, 2023
Simonetta, S
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Disabled for this roster.