NRE 5030
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 7, 2023 8:54PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 7, 2023 7:14PM EDT
NRE 5030
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2022-2023.
This course teaches the fundamentals of non-cooperative game theory and classic applications used in applied work in economics and related fields such as finance, marketing, operations, and accounting. The course begins with a brief primer on non-cooperative game theory that covers pure versus mixed strategies, Nash equilibrium, and various equilibrium refinements. Coverage then turns to basic frameworks that utilize game theory to model a wide range of settings in economics and related fields. These include agency analysis, classic asymmetric information models such as adverse selection and signaling, time inconsistency, and repeated games and reputation.
When Offered Spring.
- Students will be able to read and interpret applied game theory models that appear in the economics literature.
- Students will be able to construct and solve game theory models that frequently appear in applied theory papers and empirical papers.
- Students will be able to explain basic economic concepts such as signaling, adverse selection, time inconsistency, competitive equilibrium, etc.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: AEM 7020, ECON 6115
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits Opt NoAud(Letter or S/U grades (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MW Sage Graduate Hall B11
- Jan 23 - May 9, 2023
Waldman, M
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Add/drop: Non-Johnson Students ONLY: January 17th at 9:00am to February 6th at 11:59pm. You may add or drop a full semester class after February 6th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after March 20th at 11:59pm you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees.
Department Consent Required (Add)
Disabled for this roster.