PLHRT 6500

PLHRT 6500

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.

We will be studying the physiology of perennial fruit crop production with an emphasis on the biochemical and genetic mechanisms by which fruit crops function and interact with the environment. The class focuses on temperate fruit trees, grapevines, and small-fruits that are commercially grown in the Northeastern U.S., but other species will be highlighted on occasion. Topics include: flower development, pollination and fertilization, cold hardiness, fruit set and growth, plant growth regulators, carbon acquisition and partitioning, soil-root interactions, mineral nutrition, and water transport. Additionally, we will highlight critical challenges to fruit crop production, such as climate change and soil degradation. Course readings will largely come from journal articles. Students will lead and participate in discussions, write a review article, and learn how to evaluate scientific journal articles.

When Offered Spring.

Comments Offered even numbered years only.

  • Apply physiological processes to temperate fruit crop plants and planting systems.
  • Evaluate scientific methods and experimental designs used to study fruit crops.
  • Synthesize complex phenomena and present information in a concise written format.
  • Facilitate discussions based upon course readings.
  • Lead discussion sessions based on the guest lectures and submitted student questions.
  • Interpret course material through problem sets that challenge students to consider content that is not directly addressed during lectures.
  • Teach others, including undergraduate colleagues, about key concepts in fruit physiology based upon your coursework and/or research experience.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: PLHRT 4500

  • 3 Credits Opt NoAud

  • 18221 PLHRT 6500   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person