LING 2212
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 10, 2022 7:44AM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 9, 2022 7:14PM EDT
LING 2212
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.
An introduction to the history and theory of writing systems from cuneiform to the alphabet, historical and new writing media, and the complex relationship of writing technologies to human language and culture. Through hands-on activities and collaborative work, students will explore the shifting definitions of "writing" and the diverse ways in which cultures through time have developed and used writing systems. We will also investigate the traditional divisions of "oral" vs. "written" and consider how digital technologies have affected how we use and think about writing in encoding systems from Morse code to emoji.
When Offered Spring.
Breadth Requirement (GHB)
Distribution Category (LA-AS, ALC-AS, HST-AS)
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: ARKEO 2812, CLASS 2812, NES 2812, SHUM 2812, STS 2812, VISST 2812
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MWF Rockefeller Hall 122
- Jan 24 - May 10, 2022
Kirk, A
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person