HIST 6041

HIST 6041

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2020-2021.

Since Columbus's arrival to the Americas, a number of commodities have bound together Europe, Africa, and the Americas, drastically changing the lives of many people on both sides of the Atlantic. Covering nearly five hundred years of history, this seminar invites students to explore the history of the Atlantic World through the "lives" of commodities such as gold, silver, sugar, cacao, tobacco, cotton, cochineal, indigo, bananas, and more. Tracing commodities from their production site to the moment of consumption, students will be able to understand the possibilities that the commodity-chain approach offers to historical research. As part of this seminar students will write a research paper (using primary sources) that will explain the commodity chain of a specific commodity.

When Offered Fall.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: HIST 4041

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16903 HIST 6041   SEM 101

    • W Online Meeting
    • Feb 8 - May 14, 2021
    • Bassi Arevalo, E

  • Instruction Mode: Online