PLSCI 4925
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 2, 2019 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 2, 2019 7:15PM EDT
PLSCI 4925
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate that Plant Sciences students will have met all learning outcomes in the major prior to graduation by documenting relevant in-class and co-curricular activities. Preparatory work will include observing and learning from a diversity of presentations in preparation for taking PLSCI 4950. The basis for evaluation will be an ePortfolio that the student develops. It will contain the following elements: a personal profile, career goals and exploration, leadership experiences, a current resume, examples of how the learning outcomes for the major have been met, and summaries of 14 plant-related seminars that the student has attended while at Cornell. The evaluation and assignment of a grade will be made by the student's advisor using a common rubric across the major. Ideally, students will enroll in this course in the second-to-last semester so any deficiencies can be addressed prior to graduation.
When Offered Fall, Spring.
Permission Note Enrollment limited to: Plant Sciences majors.
- Acquire a broad grasp of current research across the Plant Science disciplines.
- Communicate how knowledge gained in seminars integrates with concepts acquired in previous coursework.
- Demonstrate interdisciplinary competency and mastery of the Plant Sciences's learning outcomes by documenting one's scholarship, training, and experience in an ePortfolio.
- Observe different scientific presentations and discern which factors contribute to an effective presentation.
- Build a stronger relationship with one's faculty advisor.
- Further develop a professional trajectory, including a resume and deeper career exploration.
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