NS 4200

NS 4200

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

In this course, students will acquire a present-day overview of the reported effects of diet on the microbiome with an emphasis on host physiology outcomes. The microbiome field is rapidly evolving, and this course has no textbook; we will mainly be assessing primary literature and scientific reviews. Students will learn to critically analyze the conclusions drawn from microbiome studies to empower them to make informed judgements as new research findings are reported. This course is independent of BIOMI 3210 Human microbes and health and BME 6130 Engineering the microbiome. Students could potentially take all three.

When Offered Spring.

Distribution Category (PBS-HE)

  • Explain and use microbiome field terminology.
  • Discuss which host microbes correlate with particular dietary components.
  • Describe the study designs used to detect associations between dietary intake and gut microbiome composition. Distinguish between association and causality.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 18283 NS 4200   LEC 001

  • Prerequisites: Introductory biology and chemistry. Recommended: Introductory microbiology and statistics. Enrollment limited to: junior, senior, or graduate students, or permission of instructor. If you are not able to enroll, please contact Terry Mingle (tpm2).