NBA 6400
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 2, 2019 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 2, 2019 7:15PM EDT
NBA 6400
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
In today's increasingly globalized economy, understanding the world's second largest economic superpower is essential for global success. This course is designed for students who are interested in working in and with businesses in China as well as future business leaders who wish to develop a general understanding of Chinese business practices. The course examines the many different types of business—private and public, Chinese and foreign—and the institutions that have and will define China's economic path and China's role in the global economy. These include the state-owned firms that been the foundation of modern China's economy and dominate industry and banking; the large, new private businesses that have emerged in many industries and are challenging the state sector; the foreigners, whose ideas about "the China market" have both focused and clouded their vision. The course will also address key elements of the current political and economic situation in China. As China rebalances from an investment-driven to a consumption-driven economy, what are the opportunities for entrepreneurs? How do foreign businesses succeed and fail in what is still the world's most dynamic economy? How do Chinese entrepreneurs move across private and public sectors? How do businesses manage the political challenges posed by the Chinese Communist Party? How do Chinese firms (private and state-run) "go global," and what are the opportunities for their international partners? What are the different roles of government—local, provincial, and national—in shaping the business landscape? In short, where is China going—economically and politically—and how can you take part in its continued rise?
When Offered Spring.
Seven Week - First.
Credits and Grading Basis
1.5 Credits GradeNoAud(Letter grades only (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MW Breazzano Family Ctr 221
- Jan 22 - Mar 12, 2019
Marquis, C
Additional Information
*Open to GM, GR, and UG Srs/Jrs* Add/Drop Dates: Johnson Students – January 15th at 8:00am to February 5th at 4:00pm. Non-Johnson Students: January 28th at 8:00am to February 5th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a first-half class after February 5th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after February 19th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees. Non-Johnson students may add themselves to the waitlists during their enrollment periods, however Johnson Students have priority into the classes and non-Johnsons will be enrolled: 1) IF seats are still available after Johnson students complete their enrollment period and 2) IF the instructor allows.
Department Consent Required (Add)
Disabled for this roster.