MATH 3620
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 2, 2019 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 2, 2019 7:15PM EDT
MATH 3620
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
Introductory survey of the development, computer implementation, and applications of dynamic models in biology and ecology. Case-study format covering a broad range of current application areas such as regulatory networks, neurobiology, cardiology, infectious disease management, and conservation of endangered species. Students also learn how to construct and study biological systems models on the computer using a scripting and graphics environment.
When Offered Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: two majors-level biology courses and completion of mathematics requirements for biological sciences major or equivalent.
Distribution Category (MQR-AS)
- Students will be able to "read" a dynamic model, interpreting its equations as statements about underlying processes and the biological assumptions made about the rates and consequences of those processes.
- Students will be able to adapt existing models for applications to related systems or alternative scenarios.
- Students will be able to write computer programs (using R or Matlab) to numerically solve low-dimensional matrix equation (deterministic and stochastic), difference equation, differential equation, partial differential equation and agent-based models of biological systems.
- Students will be able to use the Pplane software to perform phase-plane analyses of two-dimensional dynamical systems including nullclines, local stability, computing stable and unstable manifolds of saddles, and locating stable and unstable periodic orbits and their basins of attraction.
- Students will be able to locate equilibria, compute Jacobians, evaluate local stability through eigenvalue calculations and other linear algebraic methods, and interpret these results in terms of asymptotic system dynamics and bifurcations.
- Students will be able to read and understand biological research papers that use modeling as a primary methodology.
- Students will be able to formulate meaningful research questions in biology that can be addressed using dynamic models, and will be able to apply the skills learned in the course to answer those questions.
Regular Academic Session. Choose one lecture and one laboratory. Combined with: BIOEE 3620
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- TR Comstock Hall-Academic II B108
Ellner, S
Wesson, E
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- F Mann Library B30A
Ellner, S
Wesson, E
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