ECE 5210

ECE 5210

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

State-space and multi-input-multi-output linear systems in discrete and continuous time. The state transition matrix, the matrix exponential, and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Controllability, observability, stability, realization theory. At the level of Linear Systems by Kailath.

When Offered Spring.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: MAE 3260, ECE 3250, or permission of instructor. Recommended: good background in linear algebra and linear differential equations.

  • Students will have an ability to develop state space models of dynamic linear systems in continuous time and discrete time based on physics models, input/output models, or rudimentary input/output experimental data.
  • An ability to determine whether a system is controllable or observable.
  • An ability to design stable state observers using pole placement.
  • An ability to design stable full-state feedback controllers and observer-based controllers using pole placement.
  • An ability to analyze system stability using pole locations and using the Lyapunov equation.

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 11783 ECE 5210   LEC 001