DSOC 4010
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 2, 2019 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 2, 2019 7:15PM EDT
DSOC 4010
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
The Community Food Systems Minor Practicum provides students with opportunities to (1) partner with and learn from individuals directly involved in developing sustainable community food systems; and (2) under the supervision of these individuals and campus-based faculty and staff, contribute to these initiatives in meaningful ways. The Community Food Systems Engagement Preparation & Readiness course prepares students for their practicum experience, with the goals of helping to maximize this unique engaged learning opportunity for both the student and their community-based host organization.
When Offered Spring (weeks 8-14).
Permission Note Enrollment limited to: students who have been accepted to participate in the CFS Minor Practicum experience in the summer immediately following the semester during which it is held.
- The Community Food Systems Minor Practicum provides students with opportunities to (1) partner with and learn from individuals directly involved in developing sustainable community food systems; and (2) under the supervision of these individuals and campus-based faculty and staff, contribute to these initiatives in meaningful ways. The Community Food Systems Engagement Preparation & Readiness course prepares students for their practicum experience, with the goals of helping to maximize this unique engaged learning opportunity for both the student and their community-based host organization.
- Describe the community in which his/her host organization is based, including socio-economic demographic characteristics, history, culture, and current challenges & opportunities.
- Thoughtfully conceptually engage with important dimensions of sustainable community food systems (social justice, race, poverty, personal, community and ecological health, power) and consider how s/he may experience and contribute to those dimensions during the practicum experience.
- Fully explain logistical aspects and requirements of the practicum experience, e.g.: housing, transportation, safety protocol, communication venues, etc.
- Explain the purpose and key elements of field notes as a research methodology and write field notes that incorporate each of these elements.
- Articulate the elements and learning value of critical reflection skills and demonstrate these skills in personal journals and group discussions.
Seven Week - Second.
Credits and Grading Basis
1 Credit Graded(Letter grades only)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- M Warren Hall 130
- Mar 11 - May 7, 2019
Bezner Kerr, R
Additional Information
To enroll in this class, students must have been accepted to participate in the CFS Minor Practicum experience in the summer immediately following the semester during which it is held.
Instructor Consent Required (Add)