ARTH 6015
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 2, 2019 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 2, 2019 7:15PM EDT
ARTH 6015
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
This graduate seminar explores the making of photographic archives, the narratives they tell, and the parameters that define them as objects of study. As visual collections, photographic archives present specific concerns - especially as digital technologies change the way knowledge is classified, stored, retrieved and disseminated. To be sure, differential power relations determine what is collected - what is remembered or forgotten - by societies and institutions. Social and economic histories as well as experiences of race, class, gender and sexuality affect the construction, acquisition and maintenance of archives and their ability to influence knowledge production. Students in this course study archival practices by choosing a unique photographic archive at Cornell for a research project, which may be realized as an exhibition (online or otherwise), a documentary film, or a digital humanities project.
When Offered Spring.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: AMST 6015, ARTH 4015
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits GradeNoAud(Letter grades only (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- R Goldwin Smith Hall B30
Finley, C
Disabled for this roster.