LA 5450

LA 5450

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2017-2018.

Advanced seminar seeking an interdisciplinary group of students in classics, art history, archaeology, landscape architecture, horticulture, and architecture to bring their knowledge of Latin, Greek, Italian, archaeology, drawing, design, or computer modeling to a collaborative study of the ancient forums and public parks of the Roman world. Seminar involves students in current research and publication in this emerging area of archaeology and landscape history.

When Offered Spring.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: advanced standing in a design field, classics, or history of art, other disciplines, or permission of instructor.

  • To work with primary source material: texts, paintings, ancient plans, archaeological evidence.
  • To gain insight into the opportunities and challenges of working with primary sources.
  • To gain experience in working on interdisciplinary teams of archaeologists, historians, landscape architects, botanists and others.
  • To see how a project goes from primary evidence through interpretation to publication.
  • To develop drawing and visual representation to comparable levels of scholarly interpretation as texts and writings.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  •  3641 LA 5450   LEC 001