VTMED 6330
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 18, 2017 7:14PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 14, 2017 7:15PM EDT
VTMED 6330
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2016-2017.
Introduction to nutrition, including basic concepts in metabolism from a comparative aspect. This class will focus primarily on monogastric nutrition with some comparisons to hindgut and foregut fermenters. Lifestage nutrition and common ailments including osteoarthirits, obesity, immunology and cognitive dysfuntion will be highlighted as common ailments for nutritional intervention in companion animals (dogs, cats, horses).
When Offered Spring.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: VTMED 5310.
Four Week - Second.
Credits and Grading Basis
1 Credit Sat/Unsat(Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- R Vet Research Tower T1003-LH3
- Feb 20 - Mar 17, 2017
Wakshlag, J
Disabled for this roster.