STSCI 2150

STSCI 2150

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2016-2017.

This course provides an introduction to data analysis and statistical inference illustrated with biological applications. The computer labs will teach graphical analysis and statistical computation using R. Topics include graphical display, populations and sampling, probability distributions, expectation and variance, estimation, testing, correlation, regression, contingency tables, and the design of experiments. Emphasis is on concepts and the careful modeling of biological data, so that statistical methods are applied properly, pitfalls are avoided, and sound conclusions are reached.

When Offered Fall, spring.

Forbidden Overlaps Forbidden Overlap: Students may receive credit for only one course in the following group: AEM 2100, BTRY 3010, BTRY 6010, ENGRD 2700, HADM 2010, ILRST 2100, ILRST 6100, MATH 1710, PAM 2100, PAM 2101, PSYCH 3500, SOC 3010, STSCI 2100, STSCI 2150, STSCI 2200.

Distribution Category (MQR-AS)

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 12429 STSCI 2150   LEC 001

  • A student cannot receive credit for this course and for SOC 3010, PSYCH 3500, ENGRD 2700, ILRST 2100, PAM 2100, AEM 2100, BTRY 3010, or AP Statistics.

  • 12430 STSCI 2150   LAB 401

  • 12431 STSCI 2150   LAB 402

  • 12432 STSCI 2150   LAB 403

  • 12452 STSCI 2150   LAB 404