BIOEE 4940

BIOEE 4940

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2015-2016.

The department offers "trial" courses or seminars under this number. Offerings vary by semester and are advertised by the department before the semester starts. Courses offered under this number will be approved by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Committee, and the same course is not to be offered more than twice under this number.

When Offered Fall, spring.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Seven Week - Second. 

  • 1-6 Credits Graded

  • Topic: Ec&Biodiv Salish Seagrass Beds

  • 16468 BIOEE 4940   LEC 001

  • Taught at Friday Harbor, WA. This course is part of an off campus program at Friday Harbor Marine Labs that provides field research experience for advanced students in marine biology. You must apply to be accepted to the program by contacting the course coordinator Reyn Yoshioka (