ANTHR 3256

ANTHR 3256

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2015-2016.

This course is a survey of the rise and decline of civilizations in the Andean region of western South America before the European invasion.  We begin with a consideration of Andean environments and an overview of some of the common features of Andean societies, then examine the organization and interrelationships of social relations, economic patterns, political institutions, and ecology in the best understood precolumbian society in the Andes, the invasion-period Inka.  We will then look at Andean prehistory in chronological sequence, with an eye to recognizing the emergence of these patterns in pre-Inka material remains.   We will also consider issues of general theoretical interest – the use of invasion-period texts and ethnographic information to interpret precolumbian societies, the emergence of settled farming life, the development of cities and states – in comparative perspective.

When Offered Spring.

Breadth Requirement (GHB)
Distribution Category (HA-AS)

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Syllabi: none
  • 16801 ANTHR 3256   LEC 001