FDSC 4400
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 22, 2015 4:42PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 11, 2015 6:21PM EDT
FDSC 4400
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2014-2015.
Uses a (bio)-chemical perspective to investigate viticulture and enological factors that impact flavor and other quality attributes (mouthfeel, color, stability) of wine and wine grapes.
When Offered Spring.
Permission Note Enrollment preference given to: Viticulture and Enology majors.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: at least one semester of general chemistry and one semester of organic chemistry required. Recommended: prior course work in or knowledge of viticulture and enology.
- Know the physical properties, organoleptic properties and typical concentrations of key grape and wine flavor compounds.
- Have knowledge of factors that affect formation and degradation of these key compounds.
- Have knowledge of the techniques used by flavor chemists to identify key flavor compounds.
- Be able to read and evaluate scientific literature pertaining to wine and grape flavor chemistry.
- Be able to predict how novel winemaking and growing practices affect key compounds.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: VIEN 4400
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits Graded(Graded)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- TR Stocking Hall 146
Sacks, G