FDSC 4300
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - June 22, 2015 4:42PM EDT
- Course Catalog - June 11, 2015 6:21PM EDT
FDSC 4300
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2014-2015.
This senior-level course uses beer and brewing science as a starting point to explore topics in fermentation biology, food chemistry, and sensory perception. Students will learn to recognize the major sensory and chemical features that distinguish different beer styles or defects, and understand how choices during production will lead to these outcomes. Several guest lectures, including brewers and producers of raw materials, will also be included.
When Offered Spring.
Fees Course fee: A $50 tasting fee will be applied to student bursar bill. Students must bring 4 appropriate glasses to each class, starting in the second week.
Permission Note Students need to be 21 by first day of class unless course is counting towards major requirements.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: introductory biology and chemistry or permission of instructor.
- By the end of the class, the students will be able to: -Summarize the key steps in the brewing process, and contrast these steps to other food fermentations. -Explain the role of the major components of beer (water, malt, hops, yeast), and the choices that brewers have in their use and source. -Know the sensory properties of major beer styles, and explain how they differ in production practices and chemical composition. -Explain how different micro-organisms can positively or negatively affect the quality of beer. -Know ongoing and emerging technological challenges to the brewing industry.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: VIEN 4300
Credits and Grading Basis
1 Credit Stdnt Opt(Student Option)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- W Stocking Hall 146
Bershaw, D
Additional Information
Prerequisites: Introductory biology and chemistry or permission of instructor. A $25 tasting fee will be applied to student bursar bill. Students must bring 4 appropriate glasses to each class, starting in the second week. Students need to be 21 by first day of class unless course is counting towards major requirements