ECON 3450

ECON 3450

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2014-2015.

Uses the tools of public economics to analyze modern welfare states. Although examples are drawn from several countries, the course focuses on the United States, Canada, and Sweden. What are the rationales for the level of government intervention in these states, and how do these rationales square with notions of market failure? What are the economic costs and benefits of taxes, transfers, and regulations in these states? Can voting models explain the growth and operation of welfare states? The possible answers to these questions are discussed.

When Offered Spring.

Distribution Category (SBA-AS)

Comments Co-meets with ILRLE 6420. Note: ECON 3450 formerly 4600.

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ILRLE 4426ILRLE 6420

  • 4 Credits Graded

  •  9238 ECON 3450   LEC 001