PLSCI 2940

PLSCI 2940

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

Overview of agricultural machinery used in the production of field crops. Information is presented in a lecture and field laboratory format stressing "hands-on" equipment demonstrations and use, particularly of tractors. Tractor safety is emphasized during the initial three weeks of tractor instruction where the students practice learning to competently drive a tractor. Successful completion provides a broad understanding of agricultural machinery operation and design rationale.

When Offered Fall.

Comments To enroll, contact Toni DiTommaso (ad97).

  • Explain the design rationale and general operation of standard agricultural machinery.
  • Decide which types of equipment should be used for various farm tasks and applications.
  • Articulate the current and developing trends in agricultural machinery technology.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 2 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1623 PLSCI 2940   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    To enroll, contact Chris Pelzer (cjp254). Most labs will involve working with farm equipment or touring farm environments so students should wear boots or sturdy shoes and casual clothes.

  •  1624 PLSCI 2940   LAB 401

  • Instruction Mode: In Person