NS 3450
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - December 22, 2024 7:33PM EST
- Course Catalog - December 22, 2024 7:07PM EST
NS 3450
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.
Comprehensive introduction to the physical, chemical, and nutritional properties of foods and to the principles and practice of food science and technology. Topics include chemistry and functionality of commodities and ingredients, chemical, physical and biological phenomena that affect food quality, techniques of processing and preservation, microbiology and fermentation, food safety, regulation, and contemporary issues.
When Offered Fall.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: college-level courses in general chemistry and biology; organic chemistry or concurrent registration.
Distribution Category (OPHLS-AG)
- Demonstrate the ability to define parameters that collectively determine the quality of foods, and describe the chemical, biochemical, and biological phenomena that impact quality parameters.
- Demonstrate the ability to link the functionality of food ingredients with their chemical and physical, nutritional, and biological characteristics in the context of specific foods or categories of foods.
- Identify and describe the physicochemical and biological phenomena that underlie the major methods of food preservation, and recognize foods whose quality is extended by the use of such methods.
- Demonstrate the ability to independently locate authoritative information on food regulation and composition, and on contemporary issues of national and international importance using federal web-based resources.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: FDSC 2000
Credits and Grading Basis
3 Credits GradeNoAud(Letter grades only (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MWF Goldwin Smith Hall G64-Kau Aud
- Aug 26 - Dec 9, 2024
Beker Aydemir, T
Rizvi, S
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person
Prerequisite: one course in introductory college-level biology (such as BIOEE 1610, BIOEE 1780, BIOG 1440, BIOG 1445, BIOMG 1350) and one course in college-level general chemistry (such as CHEM 1560, CHEM 2070, CHEM 2090). Nutritional Sciences and Food Sciences majors get priority for spaces in class. If you are unable to enroll in the class, pleases place yourself on the waitlist. Please send any questions about enrollment in this class to Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) Student Services at dnsstudentservices@cornell.edu only.