MEDVL 2627

MEDVL 2627

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

This course is an introduction to the study of Islam and Islamic history. Organised historically, the lecture series will begin with the career of the Prophet Muhammad, before charting the course of the Islamic Conquests, the establishment, zenith and collapse of various Islamic Empires, ending with European colonialism. Along the way, this geopolitical and historical overview will provide a backdrop to our exploration of changes and developments in Islamic thought and practice. In particular, we will focus on the emergence of the Sunni-Shi'i conflict, the rise of Sufism and Salafism, as well as how scholars across time and space thought and wrote about questions of ideal Islamic governance, the religious authority of the caliph, women's role in society and public space, slavery, the ethics of living under non-Muslim rule and the place of non-Muslims in Islamic society.

When Offered Fall.

Distribution Category (HST-AS, SCD-AS) (D-AG, HA-AG)
Course Attribute (CU-ITL)

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: HIST 2627NES 2627RELST 2627

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 19487 MEDVL 2627   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person