ENTOM 2120

ENTOM 2120

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

Introduces the science of entomology, focusing on the systematics, anatomy, physiology, basic and applied ecology, and natural history of insects. Early fall laboratories include field trips to collect and study insects in the natural environment. A personal collection emphasizing ecological, behavioral, and taxonomic categories is a requirement of the laboratory.

When Offered Fall.

Fees Lab fee: $50.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite or corequisite: one semester of college biology or permission of instructor.

Distribution Category (OPHLS-AG)
Course Attribute (CU-SBY)

Comments This course receives more credit than typical for the meeting pattern due to substantial academic activity outside of instructional hours.

  • To be able to categorize insects based on basic ecological, behavioral, morphological, physiological, or developmental attributes.
  • Demonstrate phylogenetic "tree thinking."
  • To be able to name various structures in some insect and compare them with homologous structures in other insects.
  • To be able to present an insect collection of appropriately preserved specimens using a variety of collecting techniques.
  • To be able to evaluate morphological characters and use a dichotomous key.
  • 1. Conduct an ecological sampling field exercise and write a team report 2. Identify insects in lab and collegially compare identifications with other lab members.
  • Sketch anatomical features in personal dissection and lab demonstrations.

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one laboratory.

  • 4 Credits Graded

  •  1047 ENTOM 2120   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    Prerequisite or corequisite: one semester of college biology. Course lab fee: $50.

  •  1048 ENTOM 2120   LAB 401

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  1049 ENTOM 2120   LAB 402

  • Instruction Mode: In Person