DEA 2020

DEA 2020

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2024-2025.

This course introduces the histories, concepts, and frameworks that underlie our understanding of sustainability and how they are shaping environmentally conscious design practices - explored through an investigation of materials, processes, products, practices, and material culture. We utilizes exploratory, participatory, and open-ended learning methods to facilitate design inquiry and propose a more environmentally and socially just future.

When Offered Fall.

Permission Note Enrollment preference given to: DEA undergraduate majors.

Distribution Category (LAD-HE)
Course Attribute (CU-SBY)

  • To understand the historical contexts in which the post-industrial concept of sustainability emerged, and its contemporary use as a cross-disciplinary term.
  • To understand the underlying physical and social science components that define sustainability on a global scale.
  • To explore both the practical and theoretical discourses and actions that shape sustainable design practices.
  • To investigate systems of contemporary material culture production using design research and analysis methods.
  • To explore, develop, and deploy graphic techniques of information visualization and narrative communication to generate accessible and informative presentations.
  • To work effectively with others across multiple disciplines and contribute to critical class discourse and collaborative research.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  8023 DEA 2020   LEC 001

    • TR Savage Hall 200
    • Aug 26 - Dec 9, 2024
    • Beaman, L

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    Enrollment preference given to: Design and Environmental Analysis (DEA) undergraduate majors.