GDEV 3500

GDEV 3500

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.

This 7-week fall course prepares students for a faculty-led winter study trip within the Global Development department. Students will spend class sessions gaining familiarity with a particular global development challenge (i.e., hunger & sustainable food production, inequality across the life course, environmental challenges & solutions, etc.) through readings, lectures, and in-class discussions. Upon completion of the fall course, students then enroll in 2.5 practicum hours of winter session credits, where they travel to meet with actors on the ground who are navigating and developing solutions to these challenges.

When Offered Multi-semester course: Fall, Winter.

Fees Fees for associated winter trip will vary by class section.

Course Attribute (CU-CEL, CU-ITL)

  • Describe the state of a set of development challenges in a specified context.
  • Map the range of actors and institutions working to address this challenge.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Seven Week - Second.  Combined with: GDEV 5500

  • 0.5 Credits Multi-Term

  • 18633 GDEV 3500   LEC 001

    • T Warren Hall 137
    • Oct 11 - Dec 4, 2023
    • Pritts, M

      Tucker, T

      Vanden Heuvel, J

  • Instruction Mode: In Person
    At pre-enroll, this is only open to Plant Science (PLSCI) and Global Development (GDEV) majors. If open seats remain after pre-enroll, this course will be open to all other majors during add/drop. Please email Lynn Morris (lm747) to be placed on the waitlist. This 7wk2 course prepares students for a faculty-led winter study course within the Global Development department to Costa Rica. Upon completion of the fall course, students then enroll in 2.5 practicum hours of winter session credits, where they travel to meet with actors on the ground who are navigating and developing solutions to these challenges. The cost of the trip will be around $4,000 or less including air fare. Some financial aid may be available. NOTE: if this class does not meet a specific enrollment threshold, it will be cancelled. All students will be notified as soon as possible. Please plan your fall schedule accordingly.