ECON 3040

ECON 3040

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2023-2024.

Introduces the theory of national income and determination and economic growth in alternative models of the national economy. Examines the interaction and relation of these models to empirical aggregate economic data. Reviews national accounts, output and employment determination, price stability and economic growth, in the context of alternative government policy programs and the impact of globalization.

When Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: ECON 1110, ECON 1120 and calculus.

Distribution Category (SBA-AS, SSC-AS)

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion.

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  3229 ECON 3040   LEC 001

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  3230 ECON 3040   DIS 210

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  3231 ECON 3040   DIS 211

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  3232 ECON 3040   DIS 212

  • Instruction Mode: In Person

  •  3233 ECON 3040   DIS 213

  • Instruction Mode: In Person