CAPS 4075
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - April 13, 2023 2:00PM EDT
- Course Catalog - April 12, 2023 7:14PM EDT
CAPS 4075
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2022-2023.
Through readings and discussions, this seminar will take multiple approaches to explore history, politics and society in 20th century China from the perspective of fashion. How to define politics from the dimension of fashion? What's a politicized fashion? How did fashion reflect the power structure? How did fashion become a way of obedience and resistance?
When Offered Fall.
Breadth Requirement (GB)
Distribution Category (HA-AS, HST-AS)
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: HIST 4075, HIST 6075
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- W McGraw Hall 365
- Aug 22 - Dec 5, 2022
Sun, P
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person