PMA 2670
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - February 7, 2022 7:27PM EST
- Course Catalog - February 7, 2022 7:14PM EST
PMA 2670
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.
This course aims to give students a good historical and critical grounding in Shakespeare's drama and its central and continuing place in Renaissance culture and beyond. We will read poetry and primarily plays representing the shape of Shakespeare's career as it moves through comedies, histories, tragedies, and a romance. Specific plays include The Two Gentleman of Verona, Richard II, Henry IV (Part 1), Henry V, Hamlet, Measure for Measure, Othello, Macbeth and The Tempest. We will focus on dramatic forms (genres), Shakespeare's themes, and social and historical contexts. The course combines lectures and hands-on work in weekly discussions. While we will view some scenes from film adaptations, the main focus is on careful close interaction with the language of the plays. This class counts toward the pre-1800 requirement for English majors.
When Offered Fall.
Breadth Requirement (HB)
Distribution Category (LA-AS, ALC-AS)
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: ENGL 2270
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- MWF Goldwin Smith Hall 236
- Aug 26 - Dec 7, 2021
Lorenz, P
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person