MEDVL 6145
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - February 7, 2022 7:27PM EST
- Course Catalog - February 7, 2022 7:14PM EST
MEDVL 6145
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.
If "the past is a foreign country," is it a country full of oppressed women? We can, with some smugness, agree that it may have been dreadful to be a woman or sexual minority in the Middle Ages, but it's nowhere near that simple. Also un-simple are medieval notions of race. Scholars long assumed that the European Middle Ages were entirely white and/or that since "race" as a concept hadn't been invented yet, it wasn't an issue. But both racial and gender difference matter tremendously, then as now. Together, we will think about race and gender as imagined at a time before the world we now know came into being, asking what the pre-history of difference might have to do with us and our future.
When Offered Fall.
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: ENGL 6145
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- R Goldwin Smith Hall 234
- Aug 26 - Dec 7, 2021
Raskolnikov, M
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person