MATH 6710
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - February 7, 2022 7:27PM EST
- Course Catalog - February 7, 2022 7:14PM EST
MATH 6710
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2021-2022.
A mathematically rigorous course in probability theory which uses measure theory but begins with the basic definitions of independence and expected value in that context. Law of large numbers, Poisson and central limit theorems, and random walks.
When Offered Fall.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: knowledge of Lebesgue integration theory, at least on real line. Students can learn this material by taking parts of MATH 4130-MATH 4140 or MATH 6210.
Regular Academic Session.
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits Stdnt Opt(Letter or S/U grades)
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- TR Fernow Hall G24
- Aug 26 - Dec 7, 2021
Levine, L
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: In Person