COGST 4331
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - March 3, 2021 7:15PM EST
- Course Catalog - March 3, 2021 7:16PM EST
COGST 4331
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2020-2021.
People experience and remember complex and dynamic environments as events. This seminar draws on work from cognitive neuroscience to characterize how people shape experience into events, and how these processes support adaptive behavior. The course will start with discussions of historical and modern perspectives about the relationships between minds, bodies, and experience. We will then cover topics ranging from the perception of motion and causality to social learning and interaction. The primary goals are for you to be able to (1) read and evaluate research in psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience, and (2) describe and understand the implications of this research for how minds and bodies are adapted to everyday situations.
When Offered Fall.
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: a course in PSYCH, COGST, HD or NBB.
Distribution Category (KCM-AS, ETM-AS)
Regular Academic Session. Combined with: COGST 6331, PSYCH 4331, PSYCH 6331
Credits and Grading Basis
4 Credits GradeNoAud(Letter grades only (no audit))
Class Number & Section Details
Meeting Pattern
- W Online Meeting
- Sep 2 - Dec 16, 2020
Swallow, K
Additional Information
Instruction Mode: Online
Disabled for this roster.