BSOC 2101

BSOC 2101

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2019-2020.

Human diseases have affected human lives and society through history. This course focuses on the pathogens, parasites, and arthropods causing human plagues through multiple perspectives (biomedical, social, ethical, cultural). Those plagues that have had the greatest impact on human culture and expression are emphasized. Lectures are supplemented with readings, videos and discussions. Also addresses emerging diseases, bioterrorism, and future plagues. Students taking the course for 3 credits participate in one discussion session each week and may do a comprehensive final project rather than a final exam.

When Offered Fall.

Satisfies Requirement This class may be taken as an elective for the Global Health Minor.

Comments Students taking course for 3 credits participate in two lectures and one weekly discussion section. If taken for 3 credits, will count toward supplementary science distribution in Arts and Sciences (PBSS-AS) and satisfies the Physical and Life Sciences requirement in Agriculture and Life Sciences.  

  • 1.1 able to explain the biology, transmission and factors that lead to disease outbreaks based on investigation of in-depth examples from the class. 1.2. aware of the sources that report emerging infectious diseases and how the media can influence public perception of diseases. 1.3. able to explain the historical impact of some key infectious diseases. 1.4. know some of the key people who have contributed to or impacted historical disease outbreaks (e.g. Typhoid Mary). 1.5. able to describe how bioterror agents are categorized and some pathogens and/or parasites that may cause future epidemics.
  • 2.1. able to describe key factors (e.g. reassortment, mutation, host shifting) that can lead to the emergence of a new pathogen or parasite. 2.2. able to provide specific examples of how pathogens have cause major outbreaks (pandemic flu, SARS).
  • 3.1. able to discuss the ways some arthropod-borne infections have impacted human health in the past, present and future. 3.2. able to explain to others (those not knowledgeable about the topic) the impacts of arthropods on human health.
  • 4.1 able to objectively understand and articulate the facts and fears surrounding disease outbreaks. 4.2 able to engage in informed debate about issues related to disease outbreaks.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: BSOC 2101ENTOM 2100

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16538 BSOC 2101   LEC 001

  • 16539 BSOC 2101   DIS 201

  • 16540 BSOC 2101   DIS 202

  • 16541 BSOC 2101   DIS 203

  • 17518 BSOC 2101   DIS 204

  • 17519 BSOC 2101   DIS 205

  • 17520 BSOC 2101   DIS 206

  • 17521 BSOC 2101   DIS 207

  • 17522 BSOC 2101   DIS 208

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: BSOC 2101ENTOM 2100

  • 2 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18668 BSOC 2101   LEC 002