BIOEE 1180

BIOEE 1180

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2019-2020.

Evolution is the central concept in biology. This course examines evolution as a science and places it in an historical context. Classes focus on descent with modification, the nature of natural selection, the history of the earth, the information content of the fossil record, and processes responsible for diversification (speciation and extinction). The science of evolutionary biology is presented in the context of a broader history of ideas in science. The course also explores the importance of evolutionary thinking in the 21st century, including discussion of antibiotic and pesticide resistance, personalized genomics, and climate change.

When Offered Fall, Summer.

Distribution Category (BIOLS-AG, OPHLS-AG, PBS-AS)

Comments Intended for students with no background in college biology. Does not meet evolutionary biology requirement for biological sciences major. May not be taken for credit after BIOEE 1780 or BIOEE 1781.

  • Students should be able to apply an understanding of evolutionary mechanisms (selection, drift, gene flow) and critical thinking skills to multiple examples.
  • Students should be able to explain earth history and the fossil record, including an appreciation for the time scale over which evolutionary events occur.
  • Students should be able to apply the facts and principles of evolutionary biology to new situations, including issues of importance in the 21st century (e.g., antibiotic resistance, influenza virus, personalized genomics, climate change).
  • Students should have an appreciation for the history of ideas in evolution and the context in which these ideas first appeared.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: STS 1180

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  1174 BIOEE 1180   LEC 001

  • Intended for students with no background in college biology. May not be taken for credit after BIOEE 1780 or BIOEE 1781. Does not meet evolutionary biology requirement for biological sciences major.