ANSC 3560

ANSC 3560

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2019-2020.

The course is an intensive 8-10 day study trip designed for exposure to a variety of dairy related agricultural production approaches in the country of interest. Topics will include; dairy management, environmental regulations, profitability, related government support programs and the role of the culture's impact on production.

When Offered Fall (offered in odd-numbered years only).

Fees Course fee: TBA.
Permission Note Enrollment preference given to: juniors and seniors in Animal Science/Dairy Management.

Course Attribute (CU-ITL)

Comments There are three courses, ANSC 3560 (fall), ANSC 3561 (winter) and ANSC 3562 (spring). Students must enroll in all three to receive a final letter grade. Students will receive a placeholder grade (R) in the fall and upon completion of ANSC 3562, the R grade will be replaced with a letter grade.

  • Students will be able to describe the economics and conditions surrounding milk production and consumer expectations and compare this to the U.S.
  • Students will recognize and explain resource limitations for dairy production systems and provide context for that relative to future food production within the structure observed.
  • Students will analyze dairy food production systems and contrast that with the U.S. system.
  • Describe the impact of government support for agriculture development and compare that with current U.S. policy.
  • Gain an appreciation for the diversity of production systems and be able to describe the role agriculture plays in meeting the energy needs of the country and how that integrates with "green energy" policies.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Seven Week - Second. 

  • 1 Credit Multi-Term

  • 17286 ANSC 3560   SEM 101

    • TBA
    • Oct 21 - Dec 10, 2019
    • Van Amburgh, M

  • Students must enroll in ANSC 3560 (fall), ANSC 3561 (winter), and ANSC 3562 (Spring) to receive a final grade. Study trip to China in January. The instructor schedules trip-planning meetings with the students directly during the second half of the semester.