ANSC 2150

ANSC 2150

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2019-2020.

This course addresses the biology and management of exotic avian species with an emphasis on Psittacines (i.e. parrots and related species). Lectures cover a comprehensive range of topics, including: an introduction to the diversity, morphology, and natural history of Psittacine species, as well as care, nutrition, behavior, disease prevention, and welfare of captive Psittacines. Pressures facing Psttacines in their natural habitat will be addressed, with an emphasis on the role of field management and captive breeding/reintroduction programs in Psittacine conservation.

When Offered Fall (weeks 6-13).

Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite or corequisite: BIOAP 1100, or one semester of college-level biology, or permission of instructor.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Seven Week - First. 

  • 1 Credit Graded

  • 14919 ANSC 2150   LEC 001

    • M Morrison Hall 146
    • Aug 29 - Oct 28, 2019
    • Muscarella, D