HIST 2749

HIST 2749

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

Starting with the appearance of European trading companies and the establishment of the Mughal empire around 1500 and ending with the establishment of British dominance by 1800, the readings focus on recent debates over India's place in a global economy in the early modern period. The three major themes emphasize 1) state-formation on the Indian subcontinent; 2) encounters with peoples from beyond the subcontinent through commercial, diplomatic, military and maritime activities; and 3) exchanges of consumer goods and aesthetic practices. 

When Offered Fall.

Breadth Requirement (GHB)
Distribution Category (HA-AS)
Course Subfield (HPE,HNU)

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: ASIAN 2274

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16333 HIST 2749   LEC 001

  • 16335 HIST 2749   DIS 201

  • 16336 HIST 2749   DIS 202