CS 5999
Last Updated
- Schedule of Classes - January 31, 2019 7:14PM EST
- Course Catalog - January 31, 2019 7:15PM EST
Course Description
Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.
Independent or group project under the direction of a CS field member or researcher. Projects involve the development of a computer science application (software or hardware) useful in exploring and/or solving an engineering problem with a computer science focus.
When Offered Fall, Spring.
Permission Note Enrollment limited to: students in the CS master of engineering program.
View Enrollment Information
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 601
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 602
Meeting Pattern
Bailey, G
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 603
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 604
Meeting Pattern
Bindel, D
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 605
Meeting Pattern
Birman, K
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 606
Meeting Pattern
Cardie, C
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 607
Meeting Pattern
Constable, B
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 608
Meeting Pattern
Cosley, D
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 609
Meeting Pattern
Demers, A
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 610
Meeting Pattern
Estrin, D
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 611
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 612
Meeting Pattern
Foster, N
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 613
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 614
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 615
Meeting Pattern
Greenberg, D
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 616
Meeting Pattern
Guimbretiere, F
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 617
Meeting Pattern
Halpern, J
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 618
Meeting Pattern
Hopcroft, J
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 619
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 620
Meeting Pattern
Joachims, T
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 621
Meeting Pattern
Kleinberg, J
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 622
Meeting Pattern
Kleinberg, R
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 623
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 624
Meeting Pattern
Kress-Gazit, H
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 625
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 626
Meeting Pattern
Hariharan, B
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 627
Meeting Pattern
Manohar, R
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 628
Meeting Pattern
Marschner, S
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 629
Meeting Pattern
Martinez, J
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 630
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 631
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 632
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 633
Meeting Pattern
Schneider, F
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 634
Meeting Pattern
Selman, B
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 635
Meeting Pattern
Shmoys, D
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 637
Meeting Pattern
Snavely, K
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 638
Meeting Pattern
Chattopadhyay, E
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 640
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 641
Meeting Pattern
Van Loan, C
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 642
Meeting Pattern
Van Renesse, R
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 643
Meeting Pattern
Weatherspoon, H
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 644
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 645
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 646
Meeting Pattern
Belongie, S
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 647
Meeting Pattern
Naaman, M
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 648
Meeting Pattern
Andersen, E
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649
Meeting Pattern
Knepper, R
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649A
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649B
Meeting Pattern
Alvisi, L
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649C
Meeting Pattern
Agarwal, R
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649D
Meeting Pattern
Weinberger, K
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649E
Meeting Pattern
Trummer, I
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649F
Meeting Pattern
Williams, A
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649G
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649H
Meeting Pattern
Keinan, A
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649I
Meeting Pattern
Hoffman, G
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649J
Meeting Pattern
Sampson, A
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649K
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649L
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649M
Meeting Pattern
Delimitrou, C
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649N
Meeting Pattern
Clarkson, M
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649O
Meeting Pattern
Birrell, E
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649P
Meeting Pattern
Tardos, E
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649Q
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649R
Meeting Pattern
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Class Number & Section Details
CS 5999
IND 649S
Meeting Pattern
Benson, A
To be determined. There are currently no textbooks/materials listed, or no textbooks/materials
required, for this section. Additional information may be found on the syllabus provided by your professor.
For the most current information about textbooks, including the timing and options for purchase, see the
Cornell Store.
Disabled for this roster.